European Union


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The following is the internet awareness-raising page of an independent essay writer and NGO participant. It targets historians, military personnel, political office holders and their representatives, diplomats and officials within and without national and intergovernmental institutions through to activists, researchers, undergraduates, students and citizen-at-large alike, who have a clear European vocation in foreign policy and its vital defence component.

The Eurocorps-Foreign Legion concept and the raising of a Single European Regiment is presented to the internet community as an essential evolution in the European defence identity for several reasons: firstly, as an essential conceptual response to the massacre of Srebrenica after the withdrawal of United Nations peace-keepers on 11th July 1995; and, secondly, as a vital and commensurate evolution in the defence field following the introduction of the Single European currency, the Euro, on the 1st January 1999.

The Eurocorps-Foreign Legion concept follows the conciliatory approach between the European, transatlantic and neutral traditions and vocations among twenty-eight European Union Member-States in the evolution of a coherent and credible European Union defence identity.

The concept also advocates an enhanced role for the CFSP High Representative(WEU Secretary-General) at the Council of Ministers under the 2010 Headline Goal objectives; and his/her interaction with the United Nations Secretary-General at the UN Security Council. The concept applies the Petersberg and 'Berlin plus' declarations to a joint EU(WEU)-NATO framework at the United Nations and the OSCE.

The Eurocorps-Foreign Legion concept proposes also a range of innovative militaro-operational and politico-diplomatic dispositions in support of the European defence identity. The raising of a Single European Regiment would enable the formal representation of the twenty-eight European Union Member-States in the sum of its officer ranks and the representation of the twenty-eight nationalities in the sum of its NCO ranks.

Read the foreword of the essay publication (42 pages) PDF (107 KB)

The French translation of the publication is available at the AISP website. Click 'Rassemblement International'':

Soldiers of Peace International Association (SPIA)

Provisional translation 29/3/2007 (36KB)

The SPIA is a NGO (Category I) accredited by United Nations Economic and Social Council resolution since 1995.

The publication takes into account the significant evolution in the European defence identity since mid-1999, namely, the Helsinki Declaration following the Anglo-French summit at St.Malo (December 1998), the Cologne, Laeken and Santa Maria de Feira European summits, the role of the CFSP High Representative established by the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1999, the establishment of the PSC, the EUMC and EUMS by the Treaty of Nice applicable since 1st February 2001, the 2010 Headline Goal as well as humanitarian and military events in the international landscape.

The provisional translation is retained unchanged for consistency in reference purposes. The bibliography is updated with relevance to the turn of events in European security and international relations.


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1/2007 Update: the establishment of the European Gendarmerie Force by France, Holland, Italy, Spain and Portugal on 23st January 2006. The EGF is based in Vicenza, Italy, and is tasked peace-keeping missions in specific.

June 2015: UN Independent panel report on UN peacekeeping and its future evolution

European gendarmerie force

Scenario of deployment:Western Sahara

Scenario of deployment: Eastern Ukraine

Article on the United Nations

The Eurocorps-Foreign Legion concept has been published in the officer corps publication in France and Portugal in July 1998 and February 1999 respectively.

French military acknowledgment

The concept was also presented in the European parliament, Strasbourg, on 13th June 2003 during the colloquium of the Soldiers of Peace International Association (SPIA), NGO of former soldiers who served in United Nations peace-keeping missions.

Colloquium programme (139 KB)

List of participants (44 KB)

The Eurocorps-Foreign Legion concept takes one short step away from the clear limitations of the national demarcation in the conception stricto sensu of a wholly integrated and credible European regiment between the twenty-eight European Union Member-States and commensurate to the Single European currency, the Euro.

The concept was written in university libraries in Brussels, London and Uppsala in Sweden and the Calouste Gulbenkian library in Lisbon.

The criteria of conception pdf.doc(83 KB)

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Page dedicated to the memory of my father, Pedro Zanatti, and his freedom and rigour of spirit and thought. 18th March 2005.

Last overall update: 23/6/2017

26/1/2007 Addendum: 'Google analytics' regarding this URL is available to accredited institutions and researchers